Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/628

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Second Ligero, at Resaca de la Palma, 1. 173, 174; at Monterey, 494; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 52, 347.
Sedgwick, John, on Reynosa, 1. 212; on Scott and Pillow, 2. 439.
Seiffart, ——, Prussian minister at Mexico, and peace negotiations, 2. 397.
Semmes, Raphael, at San Cosme garita, 2. 162; wrecked, 194; on Worth at Puebla, 360; bias of account, 373; on Churubusco, 383; and Scott, 389; on Molino del Rey, 402, 403.
Senate, treaty of peace in, 2. 246-8, 472-3. See also Congress, American.
Senobio, M., and siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 31; in preparations below Perote, 40, 41; guerilla, 421.
Sentmanat, Francisco, executed, 1. 117, 241.
Serfdom in Mexico, 1. 5.
Seven Laws, 1. 47; failure, 50.
Seventh Infantry, in Texas, 1. 143; Mexican propaganda in, 161; at Fort Brown, 163; march to Camargo, 209; at Monterey, 245, 247, 492, 493, 501; left there, 508; in Smith's brigade, 541; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 51, 54, 55, 352; in Scott's army, 77; at Churubusco, 114, 382; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343.
Seventh Line Infantry, Mexican, at Sacramento, 1. 307; at Monterey, 494.
Severance, Luther, encourages enemy, 2. 280; position in House, 496.
Sevier, A. H., on Polk and peace, 2. 245; ratification commissioner, 249, 251, 474.
Seward, W. H., on expansion, 1. 444. Seymour, Sir George, and California, 1. 334, 336, 531.
Seymour, T. H., at Chapultepec, 2. 410.
Shannon, Wilson, American minister at Mexico, and annexation of Texas, 1. 86, 87. Shark, in Pacific squadron, 2. 189.
Shaw, T. D., at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338.
Shawnee Indians, in Kearny's expedition, 1. 288.
Sherman, T. W., at Buena Vista, 1. 390, 392, 395, 555; in Smith's brigade, 541; light artillery, 2. 366.
Sherman, W. T., on California and independence, 1. 321; on treaty of peace, 2. 246.
Shields, James, on enlistment, 1. 195; in Wool's march, 271, 509; at Tampico, as governor, 282, 2. 229, 418, 461; Taylor on, 1. 352; in Vera Cruz expedition, 368, 2. 27; at Brazos, 1. 476; career, 509; before Cerro Gordo, 2. 49; in the battle, 52, 53, 55; wounded, 55, 352; brigade in Scott's army, 78; at Contreras, 105, 107, 108, 110, 379, 380; at Churubusco, 115-7, 384; force after that battle, 120; wounded at Chapultepec, 157; discipline, 215; and douceur, 391: and plan to attack Mexico City, 408; retained in service, 432; leaves Mexico, 438; not West Pointer, 513.
Shiver, Captain, in Monterey campaign, 1. 492, 496.
Shover, W. H., at Saltillo, 1. 556, 559.
Shubrick, W. B., commands Pacific squadron, blockade order, 2. 206, 446; operations, 206-8, 447-9; and occupied territory, 208.
Siglo XIX, on Herrera's rule, 1. 56; on Americans, 103; on corruption, 417; on Paredes revolt, 438; on Church property and war funds, 2. 8.
Silva, Mariano, and surrender of Monterey, Cal., 1. 334.
Simmons, S. G., in Lane's march to Puebla, 2. 426.
Simms, W. G., and absorption of Mexico, 2. 243; on Vera Cruz expedition, 336.
Simpson, Sir George, on California, 1. 321.
Sinaloa state, and secession, 2. 86.
Sitgreaves, Lorenzo, reconnaissance in Wool's march, 1. 271.
Six-months men, Gaines's requisition and service, 1. 196, 205, 452, 476, 2. 272, 511.
Sixteenth Infantry, in Taylor's later force, 2. 417, 418.
Sixth Infantry, in Wool's march, 1. 509; in Scott's army, 2. 77; at Churubusco, 112, 115, 116, 384; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; at Molino del Rey, 402; at Belén garita, 412.
Sixth Line Infantry, Mexican, at Monterey, 1. 494; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 44, 54, 347.
Size of Mexico, 1.1.
Slavery, Mexico counts on help of American slaves, 1. 107; European warning against expansion, 114; interests and attitude toward Mexico, 123; extension not cause of war, 187-9, 473; and war annexations, 2. 274, 289, 492, 502; politics of Wilmot Proviso, 286-7; and stopping of the war, 500.