Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/630

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Staff, Scott's, 2. 366.
Staniford, Thomas, brigade in Monterey campaign, 1. 492.
States, Mexican. See Federalism. Stauffer, Mrs. W. R., acknowledgment to. 1. 451; on Bliss, 451.
Stearns, A. J., as trader in California, 1. 318; and American occupation, 337.
Stephens, A. H., on the war, 1. 183.
Steptoe, E. J., battery in Scott's army, 2. 77; during Chapultepec, 152, 409; in Mexico City, 163; at Cerro Gordo, 348; at Belén garita, 415.
Sterett, J. S., at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338.;
Stevens, I. I., on mistakes at Monterey, 1. 502; at Churubusco, 2. 113, 383; on Cerro Gordo, 350, 353; engineer with Scott, 366; reconnoitres Old Peñon, 369; on Molino del Rey, 402; reconnoitres southern approach to capital, 408; and plan of attack on capital, 408.
Stevenson, J. D., in California, 2. 219.
Stewart, Andrew, on Walker, 2. 480.
Stockton, R. F., pacific instructions to (1845), 1. 131; command in California, character, 336, 532; and Frémont, address, 336, 532; first southern campaign, 336-7, 532; rule, 337-8; plan against Mexico, 338; second southern campaign, 339-44, 534-5; sends aid to Kearny, 341; and Frémont's capitulation, 346; and blockade, 2. 205; relinquishes rule, 217.
Stone, C. P., ordnance officer with Scott, 2. 366.
Storms, Mrs., in Mexico, 2. 11; and Scott, 39; and absorption of Mexico, 243.
Storrs, Augustus, claim, 1. 425.
Stromboli, in Home Squadron, 2. 446. Sub-treasury plan restored, 2. 257, 479. Sumner, Charles, on cause of war, 1. 189; attitude, 274; demands recall of troops, 290.
Sumner, E. V., and Harney, 1. 365; at Cerro Gordo, disabled, 2. 52, 350; in Scott's army, 77; at Molino del Rey, 144, 146, 403; during and after Chapultepec, 161, 408, 410, 414.
Supplies. See Transportation.
Supreme Court, on title by conquest, 2. 241, 468.
Surnames, Spanish, 1. 44 n.
Sutter, J. A., trading post, 1. 318, 522.
Swift, A. J., and engineer corps, 1. 451.
Tabasco River, Perry's expeditions, 2. 199-200, 204-5, 443, 445; map, 205.
Tacitus, on a Roman general, 2. 313. Tacubaya, Americans at, 2. 134; aspect, 138.
Tacubaya, Bases of, 1. 51.
Talbot, Theodore, escape from Santa Barbara, 1. 534.
Talcott, G. H., battery in Scott's army, 2. 77; at Cerro Gordo, 348.
Talcott, George, ordnance bureau, 1. 474.
Tamaulipas cavalry, at Monterey, 1. 494.
Tamaulipas state, plan to occupy, 1. 263, 507; authorities and Urrea, 2. 166; attitude toward United States, 215; general occupation, 418; and American tariff, 484. See also Tampico; Victoria.
Tampico, as port, 1. 2; situation, map, 276; defences, 277; reasons for occupation, 277, 511; Conner's attitude, 277; Mexicans evacuate, 2789, 510; American navy occupies, 279-81, 511-2; securing, 281-2, 512, 546; march of troops from Victoria to, 366, 546; assemblage for Vera Cruz expedition, 367, 546; plans for uprising, 2. 165; first naval attack, 197, 441; under American rule, 214-5, 229, 230, 452, 461; aspect, 214; garrison, 418; American tariff, 484.
Tampico, at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338; in Home Squadron, 445.
Tariff, Mexican protective, 1. 17; American, and the war, 105, 130, 186; of 1846, political effect, opposition, 2. 257, 273, 281, 286, 478-9; proposed, on tea and coffee, 261, 285, 482;-American, for Mexican ports, 261-3, 303, 484, 500, 505.
Tattnall, Josiah, in occupation of Tampico, 1. 281, 512: in attack on Tuxpán, wounded, 2. 203; at siege of Vera Cruz, 338, 339.
Taxation, Mexican, of mines, 1. 15; Mexican war, 2. 253; question of American war, 258, 480. See also Finances; Tariff.
Taylor, Francis, field battery, 1. 450; in Scott's army, 2. 77; at Churubusco, 114; during Chapultepec, 152, 409; at Cerro Gordo, 348.
Taylor, George, at Huamantla, 2. 425, 426.
Taylor, William, American consul at Vera Cruz, reports cited passim.