Page:The Way of a Virgin.djvu/104

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"How putteth one the devil in hell?"

And the girl, what with words and what with gestures, expounded it to them; whereat they set up so great a laughing that they laugh yet and said:

"Give yourself no concern, my child; nay, for that is done here also and Neerbale will serve our Lord full well with thee at this."

Thereafter, telling it from one to another throughout the city, they brought it to a common saying there that the most acceptable service one could render to God was to put the devil in hell, which byword, having passed the sea hither, is yet current here. Wherefore do all young ladies, who have need of God's grace, learn to put the devil in hell, for that this is highly acceptable to Him and pleasing to both parties and much good may grow and ensue thereof.