Page:The Way of a Virgin.djvu/87

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were never written by my lord; in sooth, if they had been his handiwork, I should have marvelled amain, because it is his custom never to write his own hand to any woman, however fiercely his passion may be kindled for her, unless he may first have made proof of her love……At the outset of all his love affairs the letters and messages thereanent are written and arranged by the agency of the chamberlain, who is in his closest confidence. Wherefore I hold it for certain that these same letters must be from the hands of this man……

"……Many a time, when I have chanced to be discoursing concerning the beauty of women with my lord, he, with a little sigh, which he seemed fain to repress, has never ceased to place you before all other ladies. And although his words are rare and few and sententious, he has full often let me know secretly that you are the only one to whom he has entirely given his love.

"Therefore meseems that……you should give me authority to act, so I may be able to place the whole matter together with your own doubts and fears, before the notice of my lord……And in order that you may speedily be informed of the answer, and that the affair may be kept no long time in suspense, it will behove you to be on the watch for me, for when you shall see me pass by your house, and call to a certain boy who will be standing opposite thereto, you may be assured that I have done my errand, and on the following morning let us meet once more in this same spot."

The young lady, deeming that she had assuredly gulled the friar by her trick, and that her plot could not now fail to come to an issue perfectly satisfactory to her, was so greatly overjoyed that it