Page:The Way of the Cross, Doroshevich, tr. Graham, 1916.djvu/144

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The Way of the Cross

The first impression, perhaps an accidental one, was this:

—That to the German front they send the Austrians of the first class, the picked troops of Austria.

The eyes had just rested on this new picture, and then once more they fell upon the endless stream of grey carts.

And the crosses, the crosses, along the length of the road.

See, they have brought from a village camp a newly joinered coffin, quickly put together by the village carpenter.

An open cart moves slowly along the middle of the road.

The horse with suffering pain-full eyes steps forward slowly with uncertain strides.

Just staggering.

Will fall in a minute.

Wavering also, as smoke in the wind, goes the attendant peasant beside his