Page:The Way of the Cross, Doroshevich, tr. Graham, 1916.djvu/156

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The Way of the Cross

In the province of Mogilef, the potato country, as the farmers call it, hundreds of women are working in long rows hurriedly digging up potatoes.

—How the price for women's labour has gone up—says a peasant in one of the villages. They're wanted on the big farms. The potatoes must be dug, quickly, hurriedly, before the refugees flood over the ground.

In the Province of Cherneegof it is warm.

In the shade there is a little ice on the pools.

But it even bakes a little in the sun.

The poplar trees are still beautiful pyramids of green.

—The cypresses of Little Russia.

Doves in hundreds circle over the fields and bathe in the transparent atmosphere, in the blue of the brilliant cloudless sky.

They turn, and the whole flock of birds