did not, for she has noe fortune consederable. Being highly delighted with it myself I cannot help inviting al the ladys in to the garden, and some ar tender and cair not set a foot in the wildernes after sunset. Now to me in the heat its coold thear, and when colde its warm thear, its a charming place, indeed I fear you will never make Strafforde soe prety, or at leest not in my days. Dear soul I fear I have tiered you.
Twickenham, /««^ 29, 1710.
My dearist and best of children, in my last I told you all
my news, and have only one dismall story to tell you now,
which is that moste of the young men in this town are in
Newgate. It seems its a custum in thees country towns for
the young men to steel the Maypoale from one to the other,
soe all the young men of Twitnam went to Whitton and they
it seems had notis of it, soe was upon thear gard and fought
for it. It was in the dark, and they had not been known
only one of them to save himself told of the rest, and one of the
Whitten men is dead, and another very ill, but he its thought
will recover. Sir Charls Duncome * livs at Whitten, soe he
must be for his own towns men. One of thees poore wretchis
was brought home hear last night dead of the small pox, his
mother redy to run mad for him, as good a young man as
ever leved. Lady Mary Chambers promist he should com to
noe hurt, for she loved him very much, he having been a
sarvent of hers, he is much lamented. Mr. EUeson has been
hear to loock after the affairs hear, soe Pall, Pug, and the rest
of thear train went with him in to the charming garden.
Hear is Lady Grenvill with her twoe grandsons the Duke of
Buford's sons, lovly boys, I wish you had twoe such. Lady
Clarck has beged me to giv her most humble sarvis to you
and ses she lovs you dearly. She is soe fond of me, that if
she dyse before me I am sure she will make me her air, or at
leest leev me a good leagasy. I wish I could fynd out a
- Member for Downton, and Lord Mayor 1708-9, when his niece the
Duchess of Argyll acted as Lady Mayoress. To her he left 200,000/. on his death in April, 171 1.
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