Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/170

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London, 7 November, 17 10. Dear Brother,

  • * sfc *

.... I heard since I writ to you of the report of your being to be Ambassador at the Hague that 'twas in the Dutch prints, and that 'tis lord Townsend is to be recall'd who is reckon'd too much a creature of Lord Sommers as well as of another great Lord. Here's now a very hot discourse again about the town that Lord Rotchesster is to be lord Treasurer, Mr. Harley Master of the Rolls, Lord Pawlet Privy Seal, S"" Thomas Mansel controler again, Mr. Paget in the Admiralty, Mr. Benson chancelour of the Exchequor ; and I have heard it observed that a little before the changes has been made they have been always much talk of about town. But of my Lord Peterborough the town are sending him three several ways at once to Vieima, West Indias, Spain. Lord Havers- ham they say died of a broken heart for he found they did not intend to do for him as he expected.

What to make of the Duke of Summerset I can't tell yet, he has never been at Counsel, he came up to town but went back to Sion this morning, so was not at the Chapel at the thanksgiving. St. James's house is out of morning, but the Queen and every body that comes to court is still in morning and will be so till after the time the Prince was buried. There has been a great report as if the Princess Sophia was dead ; they say lord Rivers says he was received very kindly at Hannover, but when 'tis said he had no present that seems not very well to agree. The Queen goes back to Hampton Court to morrow and will not come here again till the Parlia- ment meet.

\o November, 17 10. Dear Brother,

Since you desire I shou'd writ to you every post have been mightily vext that this did not go as I design'd it. I have open it again to tell you how it happen not to go last post, I staid at home after my wife went out a purpose to writ to you and desired she wou'd send the man home

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