Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/185

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venient and well built, my father had the building of it, and it cost ten thoussand pd. The wals are of a great height, bccaus none should over loock them, a prety little garden and coach hous and stables for more then oaght {sic) horsis. Its the strongist built of all the housis in the Squar ; its next doar to my nephew Batthurst. The prise is six thoussand pd. My father built it by the order of King Jaims for Lady pd. a year. Moonsear Spannyor leved thear. In the worst of thees housis one mey be very esy and happy. Nether of the other twoe have coach housis or stables belongin to them. My neaphews hous has six rooms of a flower, besydse closits and very good sellors and ofifesis and good rooms over the stables. Lady Dorchisters is much better, its the best in the squar. Pray tell me which of them you lyke. Dear soul my paper is al fild with thees housis, I wish the best of them were fild with you and all your goods, with the adetion of a good, buitefull, vertious wife, to the great comfort of, my dearist dear, your moste infenit afifectionat mother. Thear is a vollery {sic) of birds to Lord Litchfields.

January 2, 171 1. My dearist and best of children ....

Did I not tell of the Queen's great loss .? She had a dog shut up in a turn-up bed and soe smothered. The Queen' is better natured then I, for sartainly I would have

put those away that did it I thanck God thear is not

abov thre days more to the end of Crismas ; its over with you. I believe it cost you a vast deal, or is it not the fation to have Crismas Boxis and New Years Gifts with you. I re- member King Chads did yous to give New Year's Gifts and Vallintyns, but it was soe vast an expenc, that they wear both left ofe. It is bitter colde in any roome but this, and this is comfortable warme, but your lodgins ar excessif cold, the rooms soe large and soe highe if the fyer be never soe great one syde freesis while the other burns. Dear, dear soul, its mor then time to relees you from my nonsenc, and to asure you I am your most infenit affectionat mother.

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