Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/220

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St. Johns is very much his friend, yesterday he made Mrs. Britain a visset of 4 hours long. I was in that Street, the next door, and saw him go in and out. Mr. Powel wont venture to go into Yorkshire till he sees you, or receives yet more possitive orders. My Wife presents her humble service to you and is glad to hear you are like to be your own taster of the Barbados water.

London, June 6, 171 1. Dear Brother,

Yesterday the house of Commons attended the Queen with there representation, and there I met Mr. St. John, who told me the day before he had sent a Yatch and a Gaily to fetch you over, but he hope he shou'd see you before they cou'd get to you ; and I hope so too for talking a Sunday with Mr. Tilson, I find the Warrant will be defer'd till you come, tho' I endeavour'd to perswade him it wou'd have a better air if it was order'd before, for it wou'd look more as if it came without your Solicitation. The Duke of Hamble- ton's Warrant is in the Secretary hands, but will not yet be sent to the Atturney General till he was resolved of his several titles, he's to be an English Duke and his three Brothers are in the Entail. He had a mind to have been Earle of Cambridge but that you know is given to the young

P. of H ; he pretends it was in his Great Grand father's

titles but they have show'd him that it was forfeited, so I think he's off of that. The house of Commons are adjourn till Thursday, one reason for that is that they may have time to ishue Writs for sixteen members that is to have places and

so to be choose again, wch if it is not order'd whilst the P

is seting there will be treating till they meet again. I believe you wou'd [not] receive this letter but I think myself under the obligation of a promise of writing to you till I see you.*

  • Shortly after the receipt of this letter Lord Raby came over to

England, was created Earl of Strafford, and early in September was married, as narrated in the Introductory Memoir. There is consequently a gap of some months in the correspondence. He returned to the Hague about 21 October.

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