Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/227

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��Hampton Covkt, November 2$^ 171 1.

Dear Brother,

Wedensday there came in 5 packets from Holland and I had the satisfaction of receiving as many circulars from you, and with them a letter under your own hand, wch tho' 'twas very satericall upon me gave me a great deal of pleasure and not a little confussion. I confess I laid myself very open to you by neglecting so long writing to you, but I profess sincerely 'twas out of a diffidence of my self, that I was not capable of giving you any entertainment that way : and I think I had as good add another plain truth, for my Wife has threaten'd to writ to you her self for that purpose, that this Modesty of mine was very much encouraged by a more un- pardonable fault, lazyness. I am now so roused by your manner of reproving me that I am resolved, cout que cout, there's no post you shall faill of having a letter writ by me. My wife and I contend who are most sincible of your obliging expressions towards her, and there's no way to decide this controversy but to believe us both a like, and that in the highest degree. Saturday there came in another mail, and I had the favour of yours of the 24th instant, and the satis- faction to know you received mine of the 2d, and you seem'd so affectionate towards my Wife and me that I can easiely pass over your Raillery, tho' by the by I must tell you I had not heard of nor seen my Lady Strafford, when I writ that letter. I was one day in town last week and went to see her, found her very well. Sunday she came here to see the Queen, and I waited upon her from her Coach and to her Coach, and I thought she look't as well as ever I saw her in my life, tho' all the Court says she looks a little thin, with an air of breeding ; she tells me that Sir Harry intends to carry her over to you in the Spring, and no doubt then but you will conjure up what you tell me is vanish't, for 'tis a season when all things in Nature ingendcr. All the news I can tell is that at the Whig Coffee houses you arc cursed, and in all the Tory houses blest and cry'd up to the skys. I have sent over to

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