at it. By that time dinner was over, everybody look'd willing to be rid of one another, without much enquiry how you intended to pass your time, which would have layn very heavily upon me, but that it came into my head to goe and see Cranburn, where I was well entertain'd with one of the prcttycst places I ever saw. The Councell seldom ending till three a clock and having a good way to goe home, I resolv'd not to dine till I came to my own house, and it was well I took that resolution, for noe body was soe gracious as to oftcr me a dinner, which never happen'd to me before, tho' they were in noe danger of having their tables crowded, the Council being thinner then ever I saw it. You cannot imagine how I enjoy myself at Cane Wood, after this hurry, and how quiet and pleasant it is. The town hath made you first Commissioner of the Admiralty, but not yet Knight of the garter, which I hope cannot faile you, if the D. of Leeds is dead.
Some time since My Lord Cornbur}^ came here to see me, and half an hour after comes in Mr. Powell, in which visit I doubt I had but a sm.all share, but I hope you will allow the usual one in your friendship to your Lordship's, &c.
[Peter Wentworth.]
Windsor, August ^, 1712. Dear Brother,
This last week I had the favour of two circulars from you of the 5 and 9th and 'twas a greater satisfaction to me because they had the addition, as usual, of some lines from your own hand. The bearing of the Author of the flying post I believe is better let alone, for as I am here I shall have no opportunity of seeing Capt. Cicil, but I shall be very watchfull to put your other commands in execution because they are the imployments I wish you heartily. My wife was to go a fortnight hence to the Bath but I writ her last night to go there as soon as she cou'd after receiving my letter, and to say nothing; but the minuite she heard my Lord Riv^ers was dead to send me a letter, and that I might have it as
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