Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/334

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birth day's is not worth the troubhng you with, and without ' a parliament this town doth not afford much. When that is to sit is yet a dispute, tho' appointed for next tuesday. The gentlemen grumble at their being kept soe long to noe pur- pose and I doe not know what humour they will be in when they doe meet. I must not forget one thing at the birth day, that My Lord Somers was there and hardly any other of his party. Your acquaintance Lord Cornbury had made fine clothes for that day, but was taken very ill with a feavour that hath not yet left him. I was very sory to hear of your pictures being stopt at the custom house, but hope you will get them off without paying 70 per cent, for your own goods, as if you were a merchant. I had the honour to play at Ombre lately with My Lady Strafford and Lady Portland. One hears noe more of the instalment, then if there was to be none, and some think it will not be in soe long time that you may be here your self, and not want a representative.

Lord Selkirk is gone or going very soon to France to sollicit the pretensions of his family, which many say is nothing at all, and if anything My Lord Abercorne hath the right.

Notwithstanding the story I sent you word of hath been disprov'd to a degree very uncommon, yet many will not be persuaded out of it, and others affect to believe it. I have some remorse for not having writ to Capt. Powell, but he will have reason to thank me for escaping soe dull a letter as must come at present.

[Lady Strafford.]

St. James's Square, February 16, 1713.

.... I am told Lord Petterboroug is not at all pleas'd with Lord Treasurer's usage to him. A Satterday Lady Portland sent to me to desire I wou'd com and spend the evening with her, and Lord Bartley was there, so we play'd at Ombra, and I can asure you his formality is in the greatest perfection at that game that ever I see it, and he has found out that I play extremly well at it which is what no body

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