Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/36

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faction to me in my own misfortune that your Lordship, who was so near falling into the same, escaped it.

"I am, &c.,


"Helchin, 17 August."

Cadogan was soon released on parole by Marshal Vendome, and afterwards exchanged for Baron Palavicini, a French general captured at Ramilies. Marlborough's letters at this time show his great uneasiness until he knew that Cadogan was not killed, " for he loved me and I could rely upon him."

Lord Raby did not return to Berlin until January in the following year, and for some time after that there is little worthy of record, A brief glimpse of affairs when Harley and his party were turned out of office, is afforded us in the following letter written to Cadogan, dated March 10, 1708:—

"Condoling those turned out and congratulating those put into the Secretary's office (for I go no further) has taken up all my time to-night, so that I can't be as troublesome to you as I designed ; and yet I must ask you this question entirely entre nous: How comes it that Lord Treasurer [Godolphin] and my lord Duke were so violent against Harley and all his party, for I thought you told me that Harry St. Johns and his gang were all entirely my lord Duke's. Stories fly about here as if the Queen should have told Lord Treasurer she had rather part with him than Secretary Harley, and that upon that the Duke of Marlborough told the Queen he'd lay down his employments if Mr. Harley was not turned out. I find by all my letters that the Court has been in a great ferment for some time past.—Believe me," &c.

Between May and September, 1708, Lord Raby visited England, one object he had in view being the completion of the purchase of another estate in Yorkshire, whereon he could erect a seat suitable to his growing dignity and improved circumstances. The old home of the Cutler family, at Stainborough, near Barnsley, was at this time in the