Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/398

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��May 21, 17 14. My Lord,

Since I had the Honour to write last to your Lordship I received the snuff, which is very good, and I return your Lordship a thousand thanks. I cou'd not omitt writing upon that account, but besides that, I know if I mist another post, you wou'd interpret itt to proceed from neghgence, and not from want of news, tho' I beg that you will be assur'd I shall never fail in keeping up the Correspondence you Honour me with, unless I am entirely unprovided with any thing worth the reading. Now that is a good deal my Case att this time. The 2 Houses have been adjourn'd during the Holydays, and they are the main Springs from whence all the News on this side flows. To tell you who was hang'd, who married, who died of small-pox or feavours lookes more like a Bill of mortality than a letter. But for want of other matter I'll send you Something of that. ' Poor Mr. Pooley (who was somewhere abroad some time ago) hang'd himself last week, he has been sick and melancholy a good while, and has had his head much perplex'd about religion. I think there are not many here who are in danger from that quarter, but there is a bill brought in this day into the House of Commons to prevent the growth of schism, which if itt takes effect may in time prevent the Mischiefs that are likely to arise from false pretentions to religion. Itt is chiefly to hinder Seminaries of Non-con. Ministers. I have not seen itt yet, and therefore can give but an imperfect account.

People talk still of Divisions att Court, what ground there is for that I can't tell. These last 2 days the Discourse has

been that Lord Bolin k wou'd be turn'd out, but if I can

guess any thing he stands as firm as any One whatsoever. His Parts make him generally esteem'd, and his other good qualities as generally belov'd. Time only will show us what is the truth of these matters. In the mean time I can only send the idle rumours of the town. I wish your Lordship all prosperity and am ever yours.

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