Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/421

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Wharton said he was of opinion that they should not only

address her M but also expect her answer on Saturday.for

which he was corrected by Lord North who said that her Majesty ought not to have any time prescribed to her to return her answer. However it was at last agreed without opposi- tion that her M should be addrest on Saturday. Lord

Wharton said in the debate that Arthur More and Gillingham were the Authors of this Peace, and that the three explana- tory Articles were made between London and Madrid. I had almost forgot to acquaint your Lordship that on Wed- nesday Lord Nott. mentioned a paper which was sent to the Secretary of State containing all the Merchants' opinions at Cales concerning our Trade at Spain, and said he wondered that it was not laid before the House. Lord Bol. said there was indeed such a paper, but he said he had heard the same 3 or 4 months ago in town, and did suppose it was sent from London to Cales, and from thence back again to London. Lord North answered that if these Papers contained the opinions of the Merchants at London and was backt by those at Cales, it was then a further confirmation of the truth of them. I hope }-our Lordship will excuse this hast, the reason of which is that we are afraid of being too late.

��[Peter Wentworth.]

London, July 16, 17 14. Dear Brother,

Hf. •)(. -^ ^

The gentleman whose letters you say you like name is Somners,^a very ingenious young man, an admirable scholar, and has answered the character I have had of him of being a sober, discreet young man, and fit for a tutor to my son. I have had him half a year in the house, and I find my son has made a considerable improvement with him. In two years he designs for orders ; he never goes abroad but with my son, so that he knows no news but what I tell him. I don't make use of his hand so much out of lazyness as for

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