Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/442

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I have not yet received your Letters. 'Tis expected by every body that we shall see you soon here.

Britton I heard received his Answere that he was not to be Bedchamber man.

London, October %, 1714. The High Whigs, for there's already a distinction

among them, are dissatisfied with the D. of M ; they say

'tis one of his sneaking maximes to be reconciled to those that have disobliged him most, thus they term a good christian temper to be ready to be reconciled to one's enemies. And

they are angry with the Duke of A that he's for having

Ross and Breton continued. I think the Duke of Argile

very wise in accepting the key to the P for it will give

him frequenter access to court then the juncto men care for ; they know he'll loose no opportunity of serving himself and friends. Web I am told gives out that he had n'ere gone to

the D. of M levee but for the Express commands both

of the King and Prince, which is taken for a gasconade of

his. The B. of L says he finds it the discourse of every

body that Cadogan is to succeed you at the Hague, for they seem to give out that there's an necessity for't you being very disagreeable to the Dutch, wch he knows to be false, and he's sure nobody can serve his King and Country better then you in that Station ; there are Partys there as well as here, viz., the Pacifick and Guerrier, the last of which perhaps are not your friends, but he's sure the former are, if it was otherwise. He thought an English council shou'd think as they did in

King C the 2nd time concerning some Ambassador that

was employ'd in France that the court was always uneasie with, upon wch every wise man in council said the King might send one more for the French purpose, but none more for the interest of England. 'Tis a General observation here that no sett of Minister will stand long, but I am of opinion that he that come first fars best, and Whig as I am, I'm sorry you are not taken in with them now. You are keep out of the way but till every thing is fix't and then your solicitation will be of no use. I never mind the publick papers till I

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