Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/448

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Grooms of the Bedchamber nam'd, Briton, Jemmy Dormor, Mr, Howard, Lord Suffolk's brother, and George Feilding, wch I must confess vexes me above all the rest. There's yet a glimmering of hopes, for they say there is to be 8 and there's yet but six declarM. I saw Web to day and he told me he was asham'd he had not answer'd your letter, but did not know what to say ; he wish't you here, and was sorry you

shou'd be used so in your absence. The D. of A shuns

me, there's nothing but patience in this world.

All this matter will have a turn, I hope it will be very soon in your favour whatever become of your most humble ser- vant.

London, October 2C), 17 14. Dear Brother,

By these two mails that came in to day I was glad to hear you was well. Within these two or three days I was told that we shou'd see you very soon. Sir Harry Johnson had said that the William and Mary was gone for Lady Strafford who was very near her time. I tell you my Author Capt, I shou'd say Sir William, Sanderson, told it again at court to day that Sir Harry Johnson told him he expected my Lady Strafford the first fair wind, but I find by your circulars that Yatch is to bring over my Lady Portland. It must be confest I know not the world so well as you, nor have been so conversant with it, but know enough not to have too much faith in Man. The smiles of Princes's are always more eligible, then there neglects, or no notice, tho' neither the one nor the other shou'd be attended with any consequence. I writ you my reception as news without any further thought, 'tis the wonder of all the world how Feilding made his interest and some say 'twas done by a mistake that he was taken for William Feilding Lord Denby's brother, who says he had a possitive promise of it. Some says the Duke of Sommerset spoke for him that he might be rid of him and have it in his power to oblige somebody else with his place. Your friend Poultney they say got his place by speaking directly to the King himself; he got Mons"" Bothmar to present him to the

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