Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/453

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you to day wch gives me the good advise to muster up my philosophy, I begin to pluck up a Spirit and live in hopes of better days both for myself and you too. I thank you for the F. King's answere to Prior, wch was what I had not seen and makes the discourse I was told was lately between the King, Mons. Overkirk, Lord Berkley,* and Mons"" Iberville more intelligible to me. The King, asking Count Nausau, who had lately past thro' Dunkerk, an account of the Canal of Mar dyke, and how far the old harbour was destroy 'd, he giving a relation of that matter in a manner that has lately been represented to us in coffee houses, Mons"^ Iberville in a genteel manner indefer'd to turn it into redicule. Mons"^ Overkirk did not mind him as to that, but gave the King an exact account of what he had seen and measur'd. Then M"" Iberville said Mons. Overkirk did not understand navi- gation, and he desired the King to ask Lord Berkley, who said he had never seen the Places but if they wou'd agree in the number of feet of Depth and breadth of the Canals he cou'd be able to give his judgement, wch being told him

Lord Berkley said the bigest ship his M had might sail

there, so the King said that all we had gain'd was to change a round harbour for a long harbour. Lord Orkney is made G. of the Bedchamber Extraordinary, wch I did not hear till today tho' they tell me it has been done ten days agoe. We have no news at all only stock fell upon the notion of a new war, and the speciall commission that's going down to try the riot that has been in the country makes an noise. 'Tis said Lord Halifax was not for that method, but for leaving on't to the Ordinary commissions, Oyer and terminer, wch are at the Asyses and Circuit ; for these summery ways of justice makes people reap up the Star chamber &c., as likewise the special commissions given in King James's time, all wch they say is against the petition of Right and Magna Charta. But the King expressing a desire that these rioters might be brought to speedy justice, as the surer way to prevent them growing more, 'tis agreed upon.

  • James, third Earl of Berkeley, a distinguished naval officer, only

remotely connected with Lord Berkeley of Stratton.

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