Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/488

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occation when I got her alone with the Duke and young Princesses, coming to the first door, she comes out into the Garden, and had a good long limping walk with her before we came to the usual place of waiting where all the company meets at her going into the chaise. Saturday last I carried a coach full of Ladys in a coach and six, to Sir John Charder who has treated the Prince with two balls ; the first women were the neighbouring country farmers' daughters and his servant maides, the next were Lord Hallifax's daughters, and ladys the Prince had named. They talk Mr. Poultney is to be impeach't as soon as the Parliament meets. I heard Sir Wm. Young say they had reported he was gone to Northfolk to give Sir Robert an account of Franklin's tryal, but he had staid in London untill he came here ; he sat next to Lord Winchelsea, whose countenance was much cast down till the tryall was put off I am a diligent, sober attendant at Court so havn't much time to write.

��[Lord Bathurst.]

RiCHKiNGS, July 28, 1731. My Lord,

I received the honour of your Lordship's, and am extreamly oblig'd to you for your kind inquiry after my son. The news writers were pleas'd to put it in their papers that he was married last week, and now again that he is to be married next week. I take no notice lett them put in what they please, the liberty of the Press is the greatest security of the liberty of the subject and therefore all little inconveniences which arise from it are to be submitted to. However the truth of the matter is this, I have made a pro- posol to one of this young ladies trustees who lives in the country, and he approv'd it. When I came to talk with the other who lives in town he tells me he is under an engage- ment to receive a proposal from another person first ; there- fore what will come of the matter I can't yet tell. I like the young lady very well, but her fortune is not so great as your

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