Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/494

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business that hinderd him from dining with them that day. So that they had the house to themselves for 24 hours, and when they had sent 3 boxes out of it, they sent to Obrian and others to seal up things. This Obrian does the Pretender'.s business here, and demanded the papers in his Master's name, but was refus'd. However his seal is on them, and they wait for orders from Rome. I am told that Morris has din'd with Lord Walgrave and that he is for giving up the papers into his hands, but that the Cardinal will be solicited to interpose ; that, in short, no one can tell yet to what intent they carryd the papers away. After they had lain some time at this Lord Semple's lodgings they were sent to the Scotch Colledge where they are to lye till further orders. This keeps Morris from seeing the will. If he should have had time to have alterd it, he might find himself bit of his 20000/. as they say he is worth, and all left to him with little or no notice taken of his own son. Why I say alter it, is because the Bishop and he quarrel'd, which was the reason he went to England with all his family in that bad weather, but that was kept a secret, but those few who knew it was in hopes that he woud make a new will, that they might be the better for it. I met Lord North where I din'd yesterday, he is something off his bloom but not of his Politess, for he press'd me much for my comands to Sprague, whither he sets out to-morrow. After to-morrow there is to be no plays for three weeks, so that I think to retire to Varsailles if the season is any thing good. Your Lordship is mightly alterd if you dont like long letters, so that I shall make no excuse for this.

��[Lord Bathurst.]

St. James's .Square, October 2Z, 1732. My Lord,

I received the honour of your lordship's as soon as I arriv'd here last night ; instead of taking my northern journey I was oblig'd, upon some family matters, to come up here. When children are grown up to be men and women they will

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