Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/515

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A New Ballad or a Bob for Sir R——d.

To the Tune of A Cobbler there was, &c.

An Election there was or 'twas said there would be
Of two Parliament Knights out of Candidates three
They were Stapylton, Turner, and Sir R———d W——n
And a canvassing first the last-nam'd did begin.

Derry down, &c.

Thus jades at Newmarket tho' oft they get start
Their want of blood hoping to make up by art.
Yet waiting the event, they must certainly find
They'll show their false mettle by lagging behind.

Derry down, &c.

He sets off with letters in which he gave proof
Geneva had stock'd him with learning enough
If not to write English, yet how to save cost
For he wisely took care to send by the Post.

Derry down, &c.

But lest his Epistles so learned and prevailing
The design they were sent for, should happen to fail in
Himself follow'd after to show his good breeding
And thus he discharges his Rhetoric and Reading.

Derry down, &c.

'Your vote. Sir, I ask, why you won't sure deny me
Let me tell you both country and court will stand by me.'
'The last we believe, Sir, but further forbear
Till from York at the General Meeting we hear.'

Derry down, &c.

The country assembled. Sir R——d appears
Attended indeed with some few of his Peers
Excisemen twice three. Esquires under a score
Three Bands, a Church Procter, and not a soul more.

Derry down, &c.