Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/573

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��218 ; speech of, 228 ; and Lady Masham, 274, 371 ; to have the Garter, 291 ; his son's illness, 294; his daughter marrieil, 307 ; illness of, 345 ; installed Knight of the Garter, 347 ; his speech about money paid to the Highlanders, 374 ; his speech on the Schism Bill, 3S6 ; and St. John, disputes between, 3S7, 388, 394, 402, 404 ; and the South Sea Company, 396 et scq. ; his daughter, Harley, Lord, his marriage, 350, 351, Harrison, William, secretary to Lord Raby, 1S8, 191 ; his death and Hartford, Lord, 266, 270, 316, 322, 419 ; his quarrel with Marlborough,

,, Lady, 246 ; and the Duchess Harwich, Dream from, a pamphlet, Hastings, Lady Betty, 29, 43 {note), 55, Haversham, Lord, 72, 114, 137, 150;

speeches of, 70, 74; his death, 154; Heathcote, Sir Gilbert, speech of,

no; Queen Anne's reception of, Heneage, or Cavendish, Harriet, her Herbert, Lord, of Cherbury, and

Bewdley election, 69 ; his death, 23, Hervey, Lord, to be Earl of Bristol,

��Hickman, CoL, his duel with Mr. Hill, Abigail, 54, 61. See Masham,

Mrs. and Lady ,, Mr., and the Bishopric of Ely, ,, Jack, 109, note ,, Sir Scipio, anecdote of, 92 ; Ilinchinbrook, Lord, 277, note Hinton, Lord, son of Earl Poulet, 501, Hobart, Sir Henry, his daughter Lady Holland and the Barrier Treaty, 266,

268 ; and the Peace, 327 ; Lord Honeywood, Col., dismissed, 162, 163, Howard, Mr., brother of Lord Suffolk, Howard, Charles, succeeds to the Earl- Howard, Lady Anne, 452, note

,, Mrs., Countess of Suffolk;

,, Jack, 69, 78, 117, 180, 214, ,, Lady Frances, 41, note Hucks, William, 72, note Humble, Sir William, his death, 47,

Huntingdon, Lord, 54, 55, 56 ; his

sister. See Hastings, Lady Betty

,, Lady, christening party

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