Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/58

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over, for I can not bair the thoughts of seeing you hear before. Our Bedstids being old and craysy just as Betty stept into bed broak all to peesis ; it can not be mended, I hope you will order Mr. Elleson to gett a new one. I will try to patch this up as well as we can, or to Borroe one tell we can gett one. Mr. Elleson ses you ordered the Dogs alowanc to be stopped, you know you always alowed a lever, and sheeps head, when your self and all your famely was hear, and my neacis famely is not soe large as yours, she keeps a very good hous but thear is Fubs, soe I hope you will alow as you did

��Twickenham, April 2, 1705, My dearist and best childe,

.... A lyne from you givs me more true comforte and joy then anything hear can doe, although we liv verry plesantly hear, eat and drinck very plentefully, fynly and neatly, our coock goes farr beyond Margett for coocking, and both fish and flesh is very resonable, and fowl very plentefull, chickins, pidgions, and rabitts, and very resonable raits all. We have changed only the Butcher upon Pagis request, we by of Moar, and have as good meet as ever was eat. We have syder and wyne and strong ail every meal, and your Brewer sent such Bitter Bear that none can drinck it, soe we have it from one at Wesminstor. This day we have been to se Secretary Johnson's gardens, which is much admired, and from thenc we went upon the water, it being a fyne warm day. We drinck your health every meal. My neic and Mr, Hanburer ar very kinde to me, and Fubs is a mighty favorett ; at first my neic was afraid of her jumping upon her, but Fubs is soe suttle as to fawn upon her, and kiss her, and corns gently to her, that she cannot ster without her ; and last Sunday would have her goe with her to church, and I will asure you, Fubs satt very orderly ; and Pug is very kindly treeted but at great distanc, for my neic is very much afraid of her. I have gott my bedsted mended, in my last I was afraid it could not be dun.

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