��Wentworth, William, brother of
„ Lord WilHam, 35 ; his
birth, 451 (rto/e) ; letters
of, 458, 460, 462, 479,
498, 536, 538-543 ; his ,, Sir William, of Bretton, ,, Castle. See Stainborough
,, Woodhouse, i, 7, 21 ;
entertainments at, 477, Westminster Hall, Dr. Sacheverell's „ election for, 137, 139, 140, Wharton, Lord, 67, 68, 72, 199, 224, 228; speeches, &c. , of, 115, 267, 324, 331, 340, 342, 351, 359, 363, 366, 374, 409, 421 ; his speech on vote of thanks to Marlborough, 159; in Ireland, 161 ; and Dolly Walpole, 321 ; alleged bribe to, 329; his canting speech, 369, 373 ; his speech against the Schism Bill, 385, 390 ; his speeches on the Treaty of Com- Wheeler, clerk to Board of Trade, White, Elizabeth, 524, no/e Whitehall, the Cockpit, 45, note Whitelock, Sir William, speech of,
Whitton and Twickenham, fight be-
Whitworth, Minister in Russia, letter to, II
William III., his campaigns in Flan- ders, 5, 6 ; death of, 8 ; and Hol-
Willoughby, Lord, 99, 117, 137, 173,
Winchester, Lord, his marriage, 322, {See Wyndham.)
,, Col. Masham, member for, ,, Lord, 132, 162, 165, 180, 193, 203, 237, 242, 252, Winn, Sir Rowland, candidate for
Yorkshire, 483-515, passim Winn, Lady, her conduct during the Winnington, Salwey, and Bewdley Wodehouse, Sir John, 326 ; of Nor- Wodehouse, Mr., candidate for Nor- Wolf's tooth, virtue of, 332, note
Woodstock, 48, 114 (note), 441, note Woolley, near Wakefield, i, 502, 504, Wortley, Mr., and the Yorkshire elec- tion, 484, 489, 491, 492,
493. 496, 503. ^ ■f?- Wren, Sir Christopher, I ID Wyndham or Windham, Sir William, 109 {note), 137, 348, 350, 391, 392, 393, 411, 466, 538 ; his house burnt down, 274, 276 ; speech of, 269 ; his
��Y. York, Benson member for, 133 ; races, George XL expected at, 465, 467,
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