Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/68

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sun in law as I am of having it soe. Mrs. W. was att the parlement hous the other day, I thinck she sett up her fyne coach and ekopadg before you went, which moste lauhgs at ; and between you and I she is not much admiered, and is not thought discreet in her carridg. This is only between freinds, of which you are that pretious Jewell to me, which Solloman ses, and is sartainly soe hard to be found, but highly to be vallyed when found, and non can be more then you ar by, &c.

January 1 8, 1706. My best and dearist child, ....

.... I thanck you for designin me the pleasure of hearing the manner your Entree, which I am sure will be better then any before, for you doe al things lyke yourself, great and magnefesent. I had a letter from Margett whoe exstols Berlin exstreemly, and has geven a very handsom description, and ses you liv great and hansom lyke yourself; but hear is one come from she that was Princ Ruport's daughter, one How marryed her, and this woman that is com from this Lady speaks very indeferently of Hanover and the coart thear, and of all Jarmany, as farr as she see. Pray tell me sencearly how you lyke Margett, and alsoe her husband, and I hope Baden is to make one of the show, and Folly another. Pug and Fubs ar dayly pretier and more devertin. .... I never wish for news but when I am writing to )-ou, that you might have somthing better to entertain you, then lyke the coockco always in one note — nothing but that I lov you and soe till death fetchis me will be, dearist soul, your most infenit affectionat mother.

January 19, 1706. My dearest dear child, I have not been soe long without writing to you, as now that I have mist this twoe last poste, being invited to meet my hole famely at Cosin Hanburer's at dinner, whear we stayed tell near twelv at night, having a very good dinner and super, and in the after- noon tea and coffy. I have spent twoe of ni}' days soe with

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