Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/75

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murder in the street out of the windoe, and he shott a blunderbus at the people.*

December 20, 1706. My dearist and best of children, your sister Doneland has been very kyndly yoused by the Dutchis of Molberry ; her graic came hear to se her, and sent thre days after to invite her to dinner, and all this day we have had mantoe wemen, tierwemen, and al sorts of traids, and to morro she goes as fyne as the son to kis the Queen's hand at Kensington. I am very angre with al your tenents ; al others sends fowls, braun, and severel things, but yours sends nothing. My neic Hanburj' has buryed her last son, but her eldist is very well. Betty givs her duty to you, soe dus Arundell and her spous, whoe ar gon to thear new hous, but I have not yett seen it ; it is amongst the great people in Arllington Street, and I must goe in splender when I goe thear. The Duke of Buckingham has buryed his girl, for which he and his Dutchis is in great trouble. My dear dear soul, I am more then toung can tell your moste infenit afifectionat mother.

July 8, 1707. My dearist and best of children, I fear the sight of this large sheet of paper will fright you indeed I allways stint my self in my paper, not having power to leev ofe whilst any room left. First I giv a thoussan thancks for your picture, by Mr. Coape; sure not only that but any thing you lyked should then be yours. My daughter Wentworth carryd me yesterday to Chelcy to see Mrs. Skinner, whoe is with Lord Shasbary f not as a sarvent but but as a freind. She was to see me and invyted us to walk in the Gardens, prommisseing me I should not see my Lord, but he sent to her to know whoe we wear, and came to us and showed us his gardens and all his ingenious contryvencis in his hous, gave us fruet and french

  • See note on p. 50 ante.

t The third Earl of Shaftesbury, author of the " Characteristics," born in 167 1 ; he died in 17 13.

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