Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/81

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sarvents, very good offisis, a yard for the drying of cloaths, and leds for that purpus, a stable yard and a hors pond and back gate, which I forgot the street's name it goes into. Thear is a handsom roome al wenscoated for the steward to dyne in, and another good roome for the other sarvents to dyne in even with the kitchin belowe stairs under the hall and parlors. It was my Lord Sunderland's, it was to little for them. They sold it to a marchant, whoe sent his foolish neaphew whoe could not tell me the prise. It is free ground rent, and all is in herretanc. To morrow the man coms to tell me the prise

November lb, 1708.

My dearist and best of children, I have sent you the exact acount under the gentleman's own hand ; the man that showed me the house was a foole, he did not show me all the

stables nor coach housis Indeed it is a noble hous, you

may build a gallary over the offisis ; they say this hous is soe strong it will last for ever, and all the new buildings ar very slight. My old Lady Bristo gave it her daughter Sunderlin,* then she lett this young Lord and his Lady liv som years in it, and after she had sold it they heered it for a year of him. He asurse me none of the chimneys smoke and thear is New Rever water in all the offisis and great led sesterns in twoe or thre playsis, the kitchin is one, and the brewhous and wash hous. Thear is a large chimney and great and oven and five stoavs in the kitchin. He ses the locks are worth 30/., then thear is picturs over the chimneys. Doe you know my Lady Oogla's, her hous in the Pelmell is to be sold for twoe thousand pound. It has a fyne prospeck in the Parke, but not half soe good as that in the Square, nor soe convenyent ; I beleev that can have noe stables. I have promist Mr. Stracy his answear in thre weeks. I wish and hope you will have that in the square, it is a noble hous and fitt for you, and strong, noe danger of its falling by great wynds ; aboundenc

  • Robert, second Earl of Sunderland, married Anne, daughter of

George Digby, Ear! of Bristol.


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