resolved to throw him out ; 'twas the fate of Tony Roe to be served so for a jest, but this is in very great earness, 'Tis said Sir Simmon will print his speech, which they tell me is more artfully worded then Lord Haversham's. There's a dream from Harwich which sells well, and is reckon'd a very cunning and insinuating paper, 'tis too scurrilous and I think a little too big to be put in a letter ; most people I have talk't with of it will have it Harley's stile, by that you will see 'tis reckoned no foolish thing. There was an advantage taken on Saturday when the house was thin to desire that an account might be laid before the house of what is done with the contribution mony ; those that spoke against gave an account that 'twas an agreement that the Dutch shou'd have it for furnishing the necessarys for seiges, and that the in- quiring into that matter might raise jealousy in our best ally, the Dutch ; 'twas answered, they only desired to have that agreement laid before them wherein 'twas stipulated, and they wou'd be sattisfied without any further inquiry, and then 'twas said there was nothing in writing, but only a tacite con- sent of the Duke of M , but of the safe gaurd mony some
people that love to exaggerate things pretent to say the D. of M. for a lOO days this campaigne received each day two thousand pounds.
ho^DO^, January 28, 1709. Dear Brother,
Yesterday I was early up at Lord T Levee, who
as soon as he cast his eye upon me made hast to remove it. I remov'd still two or three times and placed myself next to those I was sure my Lord wou'd speak to, but his eye was no sooner on then it was off me again, which I took for such an ill omen that I thought 'twas not worth while to press thro' the crowd to have a refusal from his mouth, the porter having assured me he delivered my letter, and I saw Mr. Dolbin there who the town gives it to. I am pleased I resolved upon writing the letter from myself, because now you may think it not worth your acceptance, and sett a greater value on your services then I did at that time.
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