Page:The White House Cook Book.djvu/380

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hot water. In about twenty minutes try them with the handle of a teaspoon to see if they are firm. Judgment and great care are needed to attain skill in baking custard, for if left in the oven a min- ute too long, or if the fire is too hot, the milk will certainly whey.

Serve cold with fresh fruit sugared and placed on top of each. Strawberries, peaches or raspberries, as preferred.


BEAT seven eggs very light, omitting the whites of two ; mix them gradually with a quart of milk and half a cupful of sugar; boil in a dish set in another of boiling water; add flavoring. As soon as it comes to the boiling point remove it, or it will be liable to curdle and become lumpy. Whip the whites of the two eggs that remain, adding two heaping tablespoonfuls of sugar. When the custard is cold heap this on top; if in cups, put on a strawberry or a bit of red jelly on each. Set in a cold place till wanted.

Common Sense in tbt Household.


TAKE two even tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, one quart of milk, three eggs, half a teaspoonf ul of salt and a small piece of butter ; heat the milk to nearly boiling and add the starch, previously dissolved in a little cold milk ; then add the eggs well beaten with four table- spoonfuls of powdered sugar; let it boil up once or twice, stirring it briskly, and it is done. Flavor with lemon, or vanilla, or raspberry, or to suit your taste.

A good substitute for ice cream, served very cold.


ONE quart of milk, eight eggs, sugar and cinnamon to taste ; sepa- rate the eggs, beat the yolks until thick, to which add the milk, a little vanilla, and sweeten to taste ; put it into a pan or farina kettle, place it over a slow fire and stir it all the time until it becomes custard; then pour it into a pudding-dish to get cold ; whisk the whites until stiff and dry; have ready a pan of boiling water on the top of which place the whites ; cover and place them where the water will keep suf- ficiently hot to cause a steam to pass through and cook them; place in a dish (suitable for the table) a layer of custard and white alter-

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