��VEGETABLES Continued. Potato Continued.
Fillets 196
Puffs 193
Snow 194
Potatoes, a la Creme 193
a la Delmonico 197
Baked 197
Browned 192
Browned With Roast. No. 1.. 197 Browned With Roast. No. 2.. 198
Crisp 195
Favorite, Warmed 195
Fried, with Eggs 197
Hasty Cooked 195
Lyonnaise 196
Mashed 192
Mashed, Warmed Over 193
New, and Cream 193
New, To Boil 192
Raw, Fried 194
Saratoga Chips 193
Scalloped (Kentucky Style) ... 194
Steamed 194
Sweet 198
Sweet, Baked 198
Pumpkin, Stewed 214
Rice, To Boil 202
Salsify, Fried 209
or Oyster Plant, Stewed 209
Sourcrout 202
Spinach 212
Squashes or Cymblings 211
Squash, Winter, Baked 212
Winter, Boile<8 212
String Beans .,, 208
Succotash 208
Tomatoes, Baked (Plain) 205
Broiled and Fs ied 205
Fried and Broiled 205
Scalloped 204
Scrambled 206
Stewed 204
Stuffed, Baked 204
To Peel 204
Raw, To Prepare 205
Truffles 216
(Italian Style of Dressing) 210
Au Naturel 216
Turnips 214
Vegetable Hash 212
Macaroni, a la Creme 217
a la Italienne 318
and Cheese 217
and Tomato Sauce 918
Timbale of tf
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