Page:The White Slave, or Memoirs of a Fugitive.djvu/356

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From every side they came ;
Each mountain, valley, plain, and grove,
Haste eagerly to show their love;
Right welcome was the dame.

Virginia’s shouts were heard aloud,
Gay Carolina sent a crowd,
Grave Georgia not a few ;
No rabble rout. I heard it said
Some great ones joined the cavalcade ;
The muse will not say who.

Gay goddess of the sable band,
Propitious still this grateful land
With thy sweet presence bless :
Here fix secure thy constant throne ;
We all adore, and thee alone,
The queen of love confess.

For me, if I no longer pay
Allegiance to thy sister’s sway,
It act no fickle part:
It were ingratitude to slight
Superior kindness. I delight
To feel a grateful heart.

Then, playful goddess, cease to change,
Nor in new beauties vainly range ;
For whatsoe’er thy hue,
Try every form thou canst put on,
I'll follow thee through every one ;
So stanch I am, so true.

Do thou in gentle Phibia smile,
In artful. Beneba beguile,
In wanton Mimba pout,
In sprightly Cuba’s eyes look gay,
Or grave in sober Quashaba,
I still should find thee out.

“There,” said he, repeating the last stanza, and giving to it all the benefit of a very graceful elo-