Page:The Whitney Memorial Meeting.djvu/135

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The Bibliographies of the Present Officers of Yale University, published at New Haven, 1893, contain, pages 147-152, a list of Professor Whitney's principal writings, compiled by him, and consisting of some 143 numbers. Mr. Whitney's list, as thus published, was very considerably enlarged by his pupil and assistant, Dr. Hanns Oertel, of Yale University. Dr. Oertel added the titles of articles and minor papers which Mr. Whitney had not seen fit to incorporate in his own list, and published the whole in a German dress in Bezzenberger's Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen, vol. 20, pp. 316-331. Dr. Oertel's list has been carefully revised by me, and recast in form, and supplemented by a few additions. Many more additions might still be made.[1]

All the numbers which were not included by Mr. Whitney in his list are here enclosed in square brackets. The number of pages of most of the articles is indicated by giving the number of the first page and of the last. If only a single page-number is given, this indicates that the paper is a brief one of a page or less.

It is hoped that the list, as thus presented, may prove to be of historical and scientific interest and also of practical service to scholars.



AOS. = American Oriental Society. JAOS. = Journal of the AOS.—Vol. 1, 1849; etc.
  1. Such additions might include, for example, notices of the "preliminary matter" in the Proceedings of the Oriental Society, which, for years, was written by him; of his editorial work upon those and similar publications; and of the printed reports made by him as Librarian of the Oriental Society.