Page:The Whitney Memorial Meeting.djvu/138

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4. Tabellarische Darstellung der gegenseitigen Verhältnisse der Sanhitās des Rik, Sāman, weissen Yajus und Atharvan. Weber's Indische Studien (Berlin), vol. 2, pp. 321-368. [5.] On the main results of the later Vedic researches in Germany. (Preliminary abstract of No. 6.) PAOS. for October, pp. 5-7, not included in the Journal. [This was Professor Whitney's first communication to the American Oriental Society, and was read to the Society at its meeting in New Haven, Oct. 13, 1852, by Professor Salisbury, the author being then in Germany.]


6. On the main results of the later Vedic researches in Germany. JAOS., vol. 3, pp. 289-328. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 164.) [7.] Translation of R. Roth's On the morality of the Veda. JAOS., vol. 3, pp. 329-347.


8. On the history of the Vedic texts. JAOS., vol. 4, pp. 245-261. [9-12.] Reviews—printed in JAOS., vol. 4, pp. 457-471—of: R. Lepsius's Ueber den ersten ägyptischen Götterkreis; J. A. Vullers's Lexicon Persico-Latinum etymologicum; Böhtlingk und Roth's Sanskrit-Wörterbuch; T. Benfey's Handbuch der Sanskritsprache.


13. Bopp's Comparative accentuation of the Greek and Sanskrit languages. JAOS. vol. 5, pp. 195-218. 14. On the Avesta or the sacred scriptures of the Zoroastrian religion. JAOS., vol. 5, pp. 337-383. [First read before the Society Oct. 18, 1854. Issued, 1856.] (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 164.)