Page:The Whitney Memorial Meeting.djvu/149

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[151.] Remarks on the study of Hindu religions. PAOS, for October, = JAOS., vol. 10, p. lx.

[152.] Abstract of No. 165, which see. Proc. APA., p. 23, in Trans. for 1872.

[153.] Obituary of Th. Goldstücker. The Nation, April 4.

[154-157.] Reviews—in The Nation—of: J. Edkins's China's place in philology; J. C. Moffat's A comparative history of religions; F. Max Müller's Ueber die Resultate der Sprachwissenschaft; S. Johnson's Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion.

[158.] Obituary of James Hadley. The Nation, November 21.

[159.] Review of H. Wedgwood's A dictionary of English etymology. North American Review, vol. 115, pp. 423-428.

[160-162.] Reviews—in The (New York) Independent—of: Max Müller's On the philosophy of mythology (January 25); J. F. Clarke's Ten great religions (March 7); L. Jacolliot's The Bible in India (May 2).

[163.] Obituary of James Hadley. New Haven Daily Palladium, November 15. (Issued also, together with a list of Hadley's works, as an appendix to the reprint—from the New Englander of January, 1873—of President Porter's Funeral Discourse. Cf. No. 179.)


164. Oriental and Linguistic Studies: the Veda; the Avesta; the Science of Language. New York, 12°, ix + 417 pp.


  1. The Vedas. (= current No. 6 of this bibliography.)
  2. The Vedic doctrine of a future life. (No. 24.)
  3. Müller's History of Vedic literature. (No. 33.)
  4. The translation of the Veda. (No. 87.)
  5. Müller's Rig-Veda translation. (No. 133.)
  6. The Avesta. (No. 14.)
  7. Indo-European philology and ethnology. (No. 78.)
  8. Müller's Lectures on language. (Nos. 60 and 135.)
  9. Present state of the question as to the origin of language. (No. 131.)
  10. Bleek and the simious theory of language. (No. 118.)
  11. Schleicher and the physical theory of language. (No. 150.)
  12. Steinthal and the psychological theory of language. (No. 148.)
  13. Language and education. (No. 134.)