Page:The Whitney Memorial Meeting.djvu/152

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186. On the Sanskrit accent and Dr. Haug. Ibidem for October, pp. ciii-cv. (Cf. No. 136.)

[186a.] Review of Isaac Taylor's Etruscan Researches. North American Review, vol. 119, pp. 244-247.

[187.] The proportional elements of English utterance. Proc. APA. pp. 14-17, in Trans. for 1874.

[188.] The relation of vowels and consonants, and certain inferences from it. Ibidem, pp. 26-28.

[189.] θύσει or θέσει? Ibidem, pp. 34-35. (Abstract of No. 195.)

[190.] Review of B. H. Hodgson's Essays on the languages, literature, and religion of Nepal and Tibet. The Nation, December 3.

[191.] Review of E. B. Cowell's edition of H. T. Colebrooke's Miscellaneous essays. The (New York) Independent, April 16.

[192.] Review of L. J. Trotter's History of India. Ibidem, November 26.

[193.] On the study of English grammar. Connecticut School Journal (New Haven), vol. 4, January.


194. The Life and Growth of Language: an outline of linguistic science. (International Scientific Series, vol. 16.) New York, 12°, ix + 326 pp. [Translated into German by Prof. A. Leskien, 1876, 12°, xv + 350 pp., Leipzig (Brockhaus); into French, 1876, 8°, vii + 264 pp., Paris (Baillière); into Italian by Prof. F. d'Ovidio, 1876, 8°, xxi + 389 pp., Milan (Dumolard); into Netherlandish by G. Velderman, 1879, 8°, vi + 274 pp., Arnhem (Quint); into Swedish by G. Stjernström, 1880, 12°, viii + 320 pp., Stockholm (Björck).]

195. θύσει or θέσει—natural or conventional? Trans. APA. for 1874, pp. 95-116.

196. Are languages institutions? Contemporary Review (London), vol. 25, pp. 713-732.

197. Streitfragen der heutigen Sprachphilosophie. Deutsche