Page:The Whitney Memorial Meeting.djvu/163

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[331.] Review of F. Max Müller's Vedic hymns, translated. (Sacred Books of the East, vol. 32.) The New World, June, pp. 349-351.


[332.] List of W. D. W.'s principal writings. Bibliographies of the present officers of Yale University. (See above, p. 121.)

[333.] The native commentary to the Atharva-Veda, Festgruss an Roth (Stuttgart, Kohlhammer), pp. 89-96.

[334.] The Veda in Pāṇini. Giornale della Società Asiatica Italiana, vol. 7, pp. 243-254.

[335.] Simplified spelling. A symposium on the question "Is simplified spelling feasible as proposed by the English and American Philological Societies?" XI. The American Anthropologist, April.

[336.] On recent studies in Hindu grammar. AJP., vol. 14, pp. 171-197. (Cf. Nos. 337 and 277.)

[337.] On recent studies in Hindu grammar. PAOS. for April, = JAOS., vol. 16, pp. xii-xix. (Abstract of No. 336.)


[338.] Examples of sporadic and partial phonetic change in English. Brugmann und Streitberg's Indogermanische Forschungen, vol. 4, pp. 32-36.

[339.] On a recent attempt, by Jacobi and Tilak, to determine on astronomical evidence the date of the earliest Vedic period as 4000 b. c. PAOS. for March, = JAOS., vol. 16, pp. lxxxii-xciv.

[340.] On the third volume of Eggeling's translation of the Çatapatha-Brāhmaṇa, with remarks on "soma = the moon." Ibidem, pp. xcv-ci. (Cf. Nos. 257, 263, and 317.)

[341-359.] After the foregoing bibliography was in type, it appeared desirable to add to it the following numbers: la, 1b, 1c, 1d (18a—not absolutely certain), 30a, 58a, 61a, 88a, 113a, 119a, 122a, 132a, 137a, 186a, 206, 206a, 208a, 215a, 324a.