Page:The Whitney Memorial Meeting.djvu/166

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4c. By Pandit Lala Chandra Vidya Bhaskara, of Jodhpur, Marvar, Rajputana, India. Viliyam-Ḍvāiṭ-Viṭani-viduṣo jīvana-carita-kāvyam.
[This is a Sanskrit poem narrating the life and achievements of Mr. Whitney, and made from Mr. Lanman's notice numbered 4a. It is in beautiful manuscript, and makes about 33 pages in folio. A copy was sent for the Library of the American Oriental Society, another for Mrs. Whitney, and another for C. R. Lanman.]

5. By C. R. Lanman. William Dwight Whitney. A slightly modified form of the Memorial Address in this volume (above, pp. 7-28), in the Atlantic Monthly (Boston) for March, 1895, pp. 398-406. (Reprinted for private circulation.)

6. By Professor Thomas Day Seymour of Yale University. William Dwight Whitney. American Journal of Philology (Baltimore), vol. 15 (1894), pp. 271-298. (Reprinted for private circulation.)
[This sketch is of especial value by reason of its accuracy and its fulness in matters of fact.]

7. By President Timothy Dwight, of Yale University. Report of the President of Yale University for the year ending Dec. 31, 1894, pp. 3-8.

8. ── ──. Professors William Dwight Whitney and James Dwight Dana. Commemorative address before the graduates of Yale University, June 23, 1895, by President Dwight. New Haven, 1895. 8°, pp. 24.

9. By Professor Thomas R. Lounsbury, of Yale University. William Dwight Whitney. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston), vol. 30, pp. 579-589.

10. By Auguste Barth, Membre de l'Institut. Notice sur W. Whitney. Journal Asiatique, series 9, vol. 4, pp. 177-183.

11. By Professor Francesco d'Ovidio, University of Naples. Commemorazione di G. Whitney. Rendiconti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, cl. di scienze morali ecc., series 5, vol. 4 (1895), pp. 128-134.