Page:The Wild Goose.djvu/21

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Answers to Correspondents.

We regretfully acknowledge the practical answer received to our advertisement last week.

Peter Simple.—Your stock of brains is far less than the Anchor Stock.

Snip.—We don’t understand your essay on dress, how can a man wear straps, with a pair of knee breeches.?

Toby.—There ought not to be many rates in a ship provided with Catheads and many rat(illegible text).

Enquirer wants to know what a "Kink" is. We fear our legs will very soon prove an illustration if we have to squat so much at our editorial duties.

Rory.—His bad policy to strike even when pay is low. Be advised Roar i.e.—Call the Police.

Curious wants to know why the upper deck is so constantly flooded. How can it be otherwise with swells (from aft) continuously dashing along it.

A Rum one. wishes to be informed if he can get potheen in Fremantle. We think not, as she-beings (Shebeens) are scarce there. You are a Rum One.

Hans.—The "Flying Dutchman" is a native of Rotterdam.

Excessive indulgence in Schiedam Schnapps, Spiritualized him to such a degree, that he can only be seen through a double barrelled glass—of wine.

"They’ll come again when south winds blow."

SATURDAY, NOV. 25,rd 1867.


Nothing conduces more to a man’s success in life, and, consequently, to distinguish him amongst his fellows, than forethought. It is the adjunct of a reasoning mind; and as reason distinguishes man from the lower animals, so it distinguishes him amongst his fellow men, and fits him to adorn and benefit society. A man may be possessed of genius, bravery, energy, and a host of other estimable qualities; but with all these he will never become successful if he has not also forethought. It is pre-eminently necessary to the political economist, the Great Captain, the Statesman; and its quite as necessary to men in the more humble spheres of life, to whom it will prove a giant of strength in all, even their everyday undertakings. Nothing tends more to produce a healthy tone of mind, than forethought when joined with reliance on one’s self. A man possessed of these qualities, has within himself an abiding