Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/128

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"Keep quiet, or they'll have the laugh on us if they see us," cautioned Phil.

The hazers and their victim came nearer, and the voice of Dutch Housenlager could be heard declaiming in triumph:

"Now, then, fellows, we'll initiate Mr. Simpson into the mysteries of the Mermaid Society. I believe you never were a member of that, were you, Mr. Simpson?" he asked, mockingly.

"Never, and I don't want to join now," came from the big Californian, who seemed strangely gentle in the hands of his captors.

"Oh, but you must, you know," explained Holly Cross.

"Sure," asserted Bascome. "You ought to have joined as a Freshman, but it's not too late. Is the water nice and warm, Dutch?"

"Yes; I had it heated to seventy-two degrees this afternoon," replied the fun-loving Housenlager.

"What! You're not going to put me in the river to-night, are you?" demanded Simpson, in almost tragic tones.

"That's our intention," mocked Dutch.

"But I may catch cold. You oughn't to do a thing like this, boys," pleaded Frank.

"Oh, listen to him!" mocked Bascome. "Let's take him back to his mama!" and he imitated the crying of a baby.