Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/131

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"Oh, but, fellows, just consider," begged the intended victim. "I—I may be drowned," and his teeth seemed to chatter. "Please—please let me go!"

"Oh, yes—with bells on!" cried Holly, with a laugh.

"Say, I thought you said he'd make mincemeat of 'em?" whispered Phil. "Why, he's a coward!"

"Maybe," admitted Tom, somewhat puzzled. "I didn't think he'd beg off like this."

"Pshaw! It's going to be a fizzle," declared Sid.

"Now, then, all ready?" asked Dutch of his chums. "Get good holds, Holly and Bascome, and pitch him in."

"Oh, let me go! Please let me go!" begged Simpson.

"Aw, cut it out! Be a sport!" urged Dutch. "It won't hurt you, and if you can't swim, we'll pull you out. You've got to take your medicine, and you might as well make up your mind to it. In with him now, fellows!"

"Let her go!" cried Holly.

"No! Don't! Stop!" cried the Californian, and his voice broke. "Please let me go—consider, fellows—you may regret this!"

"Regret nothing!" cried Dutch. "In with him!"

There was a struggle on the bank of the river,