Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/141

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"Zane—right ahead there."

Pausing in the shadows, they peered forward. There stood the proctor directly in the path they must cross to get into college.

"Just our luck!" groaned Sid, dismally.

They hesitated a moment, not knowing what to do. To be caught, just after the president's solemn warning, might mean severe punishment.

"Can't we——" began Tom, and then Frank Simpson, who was a little in the rear, suddenly uttered an exclamation.

"Fellows, look!" he called, in a hoarse whisper. "There's a fire!"

Startled, they looked to where he pointed. Through the windows of the chapel could be seen little tongues of flame, leaping up inside. The building was ablaze.

For a moment, the boys did not know what to do. Then Tom called:

"Come on, fellows! We've got to put that out! There are extinguishers right in the vestibule, and we can break down the door. Lively! We've got to fight the blaze, and give the alarm! Ring the bell!"

They needed no other urging. Without another glance at the proctor, who had turned back toward the college, the four lads rushed silently toward the chapel. It was the work of but a moment for their sturdy shoulders to break in the