Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/157

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"It's a ruin!" added Sid, in despair.

"The biggest grandstand, too!" remarked Tom.

"Come on, fellows!" cried Holly Cross. "Maybe we can prop it up so it won't go down any farther," for part of the structure was still standing.

Holly started toward it, but had not advanced more than a few feet, when there came another sudden burst of fury on the part of the wind, and there was a second crash in the splintered and broken timbers.

"Come back!" yelled Dan Woodhouse. "You'll be hurt! It's going to fall apart!"

There was an instinctive retreat on the part of the throng of students, but the stand, after settling forward a little more, became stationary, and, aside from the flapping of a few loose boards, the wind seemed incapable of doing any more havoc.

"Well, wouldn't that jar you!" exclaimed Dutch, as he carefully held Holly's umbrella over his own head. "We'll have to hustle to have that raised again."

"Yes, and the game with Canton Military Academy comes off soon," added Phil. "The carpenters will have to get busy in the morning. Where's Kindlings?"

"Here I am."