Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/174

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"A good fight!" finished Tom, stretching out his arms. "I hope we wallop 'em good!"

As both Captain Woodhouse and Mr. Lighton were sure of the ability of Randall to beat the military eleven, a number of the substitute players were allowed to go on the 'varsity team, much to their delight, for they were hungry for a scrimmage.

There was a record-breaking crowd, and the rebuilt grandstand was taxed to its capacity. Though the Canton game was one of the minor contests, it always drew well, and was quite a society function, for the school was an exclusive one. The cadets, in their natty uniforms, came almost in a body, and of course the girls were there in "beautiful bunches," as Holly Cross said. Not only damsels from the military school town, but from Fairview and from Haddonfield.

"I tell you what it is," said Holly, as he was practicing with his mates; "'uniforms git gals,' as the schoolboy once wrote in his composition. 'If you can't be a soldier, be a policeman, for uniforms git girls.'"

"It's got 'em here to-day, all right," observed Sid. "I hope that——"

"That the heads of our particular girls aren't turned by any of the cadets," finished Phil, with a laugh.

The game was on, and it was seen that, while