Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/222

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"Say, fellows, have you heard the news?" burst out Dutch Housenlager one morning after chapel, about a week following the announcement about the twenty thousand dollars being demanded.

"News? What news?" inquired Holly Cross.

"Has the lawsuit been called off?" asked Tom.

"Or has Bricktop Molloy decided to come back to play on the eleven?" demanded Sid.

"Neither one, but we're in for no end of a lark."

"Oh, yes. If there's anything funny in the wind, you can depend on Dutch to ferret it out," spoke Phil. "Well, what is it now, you old Hollander?"

"Prof. Newton is down with the pip, or something, and can't take his chemistry or physics classes to-day. They're shy one other teacher, so Prexy is going to handle the physics recitation. What a cinch it'll be! I'm not up in mine, but Moses is sure to ask us where the lesson is. We