Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/272

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Mission is great stuff! Now I've got a Mission chair, in real Spanish leather, that——"

"How'd you come to trade our chair—I mean the one we hoped to call ours," and Phil quickly corrected himself, for it had been decided they would make no claim until they had assured themselves that it was really their chair.

"Well, the fact is a feller who's in the same line of business as I am wanted it more than I did," explained the Yankee dealer. "He offered me two spinning wheels for it, and I took him up. I've got quite a call for spinning wheels. Them girls over at Fairview College likes 'em for their rooms."

"That's so," murmured Phil, regretfully. "Ruth told me she got one the other day for their den."

"And you traded off our—I mean that easy chair?" went on Sid.

"Yes, I couldn't get rid of it, so I let it go."

"How'd you come to get hold of it?" asked Tom.

"Who'd you trade it to?" inquired Frank, and his question was the more practical. Yet the dealer answered Tom first.

"I bought it from a Hebrew peddler," he replied. "He come along one day with a load of stuff, and offered me the chair with some other things. Said he'd been buying 'em up at different