Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/40

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"The proctor," added Phil, in a whisper. "He hasn't any right to stop us now!"

But whether the official had the right or not, he was evidently going to exercise it, and our heroes thought it better to obey.

"Well, young gentlemen," began the proctor, as he strode up to the trio, "you are evidently going to the village."

"Yes, sir," answered Tom, meekly.

"There goes the car," remarked Sid in a low voice. "There won't be another for half an hour, and we'll sure be late for grub. Hang Zane, anyhow."

"May I ask how long you intend to remain?" went on the obnoxious college official.

"Not very long," answered Phil. "We are going on an errand. We didn't know it was against the rules not to leave the college grounds in daylight, Mr. Zane." It was a sarcastic reference to the many somewhat childish rules the proc. was in the habit of framing up from time to time.

"There is no rule prohibiting students from leaving the grounds in daylight, Mr. Clinton," said the proctor, severely, "but the reason I stopped you is that I wish to point out that if you go to town now you will hardly be back in time for supper, and that means that you will probably get a meal in Haddonfield. Also, there is no set