Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/58

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how the 'varsity will line up," he added. "Tom Parsons will play at left end, Bert Bascombe at left tackle, Sam Looper at left guard, Holly Cross at centre. Billy Housenlager will be right guard. I'll play at right tackle, as usual. Joe Jackson will be at right end, and his brother can try it at full-back, only I wish he'd put on more weight. Phil, you'll go to quarter. Pete Backus will play right half-back, and Sid Henderson at left half. Now, I guess that completes the team. Get in line and see what we can do."

"And remember what I told you about fast, snappy playing," cautioned the coach. "I'm going to have the scrub do its best to make a touchdown on you, so watch out. Line up!"

The ball was placed in the centre of the field, and, as the 'varsity wanted to get into offense as soon as possible, the scrub was to kick off.

"All ready?" asked Ned Hendrix, who was captain of the scrub, as he looked across the field to see how his own players were bunched.

"All ready," answered Kindlings.

Ping! That was the nerve thrilling sound of the toe of Hendrix's shoe making a dent in the side of the ball. Straight and true it sailed, and into the arms of Jerry Jackson it fell.

"Now, fellows, come on! Make up some interference for him! Don't let them get through on us!" yelled the captain of the Varsity, as the Jer-