Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/94

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fire," came from Sid, a but you never can tell. If he has any football stuff in him Lighton will bring it out. We can tell Simpson to get into practice, anyhow."

"Randall needs just such material as he looks to be," went on Tom, as he arose to go to the room of the Californian. "I rather hope he makes the 'varsity."

Frank Simpson very much appreciated the invitation he received, and a little later he was accorded a seat of honor on the sofa, and made to feel at home by our heroes, who plied him with questions about his native State, and what sort of a college Leland Stanford was. The newcomer at Randall answered genially, and, in turn, wanted to know many things. Particularly he was interested in football, and in response to Tom's urging that he practice, he said that he would.

"You fellows have quite a place here," went on Frank, as his gaze roved admiringly about the room. "Quite a tidy shack."

"You don't see the best part of it," spoke Sid.

"How's that?" inquired Frank.

"Our old easy chair was mysteriously taken, and in place of a clock whose tick, while an aggravation, made us all feel at home, that timer was left in its place," remarked Phil, before his chum