Page:The Wisconsin idea (IA cu31924032449252).pdf/189

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"Section 2394-48. Every employer shall furnish employment which shall be safe for the employees therein and shall furnish a place of employment which shall be safe for employees therein and for frequenters thereof and shall furnish and use safety devices and safeguards, and shall adopt and use methods and processes reasonably adequate to render such employment and place of employment safe, and shall do every other thing reasonably necessary to protect the life, health, safety and welfare of such employees and frequenters.

"Section 2394-49. 1. No employer shall require, permit or suffer any employee to go or be in any employment or place of employment which is not safe, and no such employers shall fail to furnish, provide and use safety devices and safeguards, or fail to adopt and use methods and processes reasonably adequate to render such employment and place of employment safe, and no such employer shall fail or neglect to do every other thing reasonably necessary to protect the life, health, safety or welfare of such employees and frequenters; and no such employer or other person shall hereafter construct or occupy or maintain any place of employment that is not safe.”…

The commission is empowered:—

"Section 2394-52. (3) To investigate, ascertain, declare and prescribe what safety devices, safeguards or other means or methods of protection are best adapted to render the employees of every employment and place of employment and frequenters of every place of employment safe, and to protect their welfare as required by law or lawful orders, and to establish and maintain museums of safety and hygiene in which shall be exhibited safety devices, safeguards, and other means and methods for the protection of life, health, safety, and welfare of employees.